Report Lost / Found Pet Is This Pet Lost or Found?* Lost Found Please bring the pet to PAWS or call the nearest shelter. Bringing an animal to a shelter is the quickest way to reunited it with its family. Shelters are one of the first places families will look to find their lost pet. If the pet was found outside of our operating hours, please confine them until you can bring them to the shelter.Pet's Name Pet's Species Cat Dog Pet's AgePet's Gender Female Male Pet's BreedPet's SizePet's WeightPet's PhotoAllowed File Types: jpg, jpeg, png, gifAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Pet's DescriptionPlease include where this pet was last seen and any other additional information that will aid this pet's arrival home.Your Name*Your Phone Number*Your Email*Additional ContactsCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ